Why Choose Signature

At Signature, we appreciate that “companies don’t actually do anything – people who work for us do” and we are proud that all our staff are here for one very simple reason – to make a real difference in the wellbeing of our residents. This is true whether our staff work in reception, activities, housekeeping, laundry, in our restaurant or kitchen, building maintenance or in resident care.
When you first meet a Signature staff member, you will immediately be impressed by their obvious devotion to their role, to the rest of their team and to all those in their care.
We are all driven by enthusiasm for what we do, a desire to do it well and a determination to go the extra mile.
Our homes are award-winning through design and the care given to our residents. A Signature home is a luxury home that has a real sense of community and excellent facilities, with the all-important quality of living life to the full with like-minded people.
Activities and events at Signature care homes are organised and managed by a dedicated team of activities staff.  A stimulating and entertaining calendar of events is available every day.

