What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap shows the difference between the average earnings of men and women.
Historically, the average male pay has been higher than the average female pay. As of December 2016, the Office for National Statistics stated that the gender pay gap is currently 18.1%.
As a result, from 2017, any employer with more than 250 employees are legally obliged to publish their gender pay gap on their website and report their gap to the government. The specific calculations are as follows:

  • Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay;
  • The median gender pay gap in hourly pay;
  • Mean bonus gender pay gap;
  • Median bonus gender pay gap;
  • The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment; and
  • The proportion of males and females in each quartile
  • The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017

Mandatory Gender Pay Report 2018
Hourly Rate of Pay

Male (£) Female (£) The difference (%)
Mean 12.24 11.92 2.6
Median 10.87 10.19 6.2


Bonus pay for 12 Months

Male (£) Female (£) The difference (%)
Mean 2473.90 1681.05 32.1
Median 1000 500 50


Employees who received bonus pay

Gender Total number of employees The number who received bonus pay The proportion of total (%)
Male 273 68 24.9
Female 1235 434 35.1


Employees by quartile pay bands

Quartile Number of males Number of females Total number of employees Proportion of
males in
quartile (%)
Proportion of
females in
quartile (%)
Upper 76 280 356 21.3 78.7
Upper Middle 69 286 355 19.4 80.6
Lower Middle 57 299 356 116.0 84.0
Lower 58 297 355 16.3 83.7